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October 19, 2003

the many faces of sydney

some people have requested that i post a bit more often. i apologize for the long spans of time that tend to pass between postings, but you have to understand...my days are pretty packed! there's all the sleeping, and the eating, and the crying, and the pooping, and the rolling over, and the lying on the floor, and whatnot...i mean, that's a lot to try to pack in to 24 hours. add web-mastering on to that, you can understand how two weeks might pass between postings! plus, i gotta wait for daddy to get new photos transferred over, or videos encoded....and with all the diapers i have him changing...well, his hands are often full, too...

but today, you're in luck. today, i not only got some photos from daddy, but i took some time out of my rolling-over schedule to add a new posting...

here's me looking happyhere's me, happy as can be

here i am, stickin' out my tongue:here's me lickin'

here's me lickin'ar! here's me pirate face, matey

i'm shocked and appauled:i'm shocked and appauled

here's me falling asleep...here's me, sleepy

here's me, smilin':here's me smilin'

we all have psychic mind control powersand here's one of my whole freaky, red-eyed family...


Posted by sydney at October 19, 2003 10:16 PM


sydney...looking at those faces...well...i think you might be a very young....female...jim carrey. sounds like a good gig to me...funny faces = big dollars...keep practicing.

what a lovely family!!!

Posted by: kim at October 20, 2003 05:08 PM