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September 05, 2003

another new game...

i got bored of playing "guess why I'm screaming" and have come up with a new game. i call it "how late can you stay up?" this morning, i kept mommy jumping every hour by telling her, in no uncertain terms, that i needed to eat immediately. if that didn't get 'em up and moving, i'd play the bonus round, which i call the "stinky baby round" until they couldn't possibly ignore me any more and had to get up to change me. then i let them put me in the bassinette, get me all swaddled up, and i watch 'em until their eyes have just closed...then i count to 10 (can't go any higher, i can only see my fingers when i'm swaddled) before launching into my whimpering monologue.

this morning, i kept them up until sunrise! they had breakfast at 1pm, and could barely keep their eyes open all day! mommy is still asleep right now. daddy is trying to play with me to keep me from getting too much sleep before tonight's round of the game. poor misguided daddy. it's almost like he thinks he has a chance at some sort of control here. but he'll learn.

oh, yes. he'll learn. *evil baby cackling*


Posted by sydney at September 5, 2003 07:30 PM


Sydney, I've been watching your daddy's blog since the very beginning. I've been excited about your arrival, even though I don't know you. Your daddy's very funny.

Posted by: Mellissa at September 5, 2003 07:46 PM

Sounds like Sydney has her days and nights confused. Her good friend Anderson did this for a few weeks also. I remember how bad it was, especially between the hours of 3am-5am. Good Luck guys. It isn't easy. Hold out for four weeks (which is when the bottom falls out) everything is better after that! Let us know if you need anything.

Posted by: Hope at September 6, 2003 09:41 PM

I think your daddy is very funny too Sydney and I also think he should write a book about your beginnings. It would help other new parents and new parents to be. After all if you keep him up at night, it would be the perfect time to write :)

Posted by: Lucy at September 6, 2003 10:31 PM

you have to be the luckiest baby in the world. most kids have to bug their parents all the time to play games....you've already got it figured out. you sure a pretty baby....keep on, keeping mom and dad on their toes.

Posted by: kim at September 8, 2003 03:32 PM

Hi there.. i've been reading since the beginning of your conception sydney.. even though i'm from the other side of the world.. in Singapore! Funny daddy you have.. by the way, i am impressed! =)

Blessings to you and your family!

Posted by: giselle at January 1, 2004 01:09 AM

Hi there.. i've been reading since the beginning of your conception sydney.. even though i'm from the other side of the world.. in Singapore! Funny daddy you have.. by the way, i am impressed! =)Cute baby you are!

Blessings to you and your family!

Posted by: giselle at January 1, 2004 01:10 AM